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Templated Tiles Layer

In this section, we will learn how to create a templated tile layer. A templated layer is a layer that makes HTTP requests for it's data. In this case requests are made to fill in the grid of tiles available on the map's viewport.

Adding a templated layer

<layer- label="Templated Tile Layer" checked>
<map-extent units="my-projection" checked>
<map-input name="zoomLevel" type="zoom" min="1" max="1" value="0"></map-input>
<map-input name="row" type="location" axis="row" units="tilematrix" min="0" max="2"></map-input>
<map-input name="col" type="location" axis="column" units="tilematrix" min="0" max="2"></map-input>
<map-link rel="tile" type="text/mapml" title="Templated Tiles" tref="tiles/{zoomLevel}/r{row}_c{col}.mapml"></map-link>

Associated Elements


  • units
    • This allows you to define what the projection of the templated tiles are.


  • axis

    • This attribute is only useful on inputs of type location, it sets the axis the following input defines. This value also defines what the min and max value's units.
    • Options are, row | column | easting | northing | latitude | longitude
  • name

    • This allows you to name the input, this name is then used in the url template used in the <map-link> href attribute.
  • type

    • Sets the type of the input.
    • Options are, zoom | location
  • max

    • Sets the maximum of the bounds of the layer on the given axis.
  • min

    • Sets the minimum of the bounds of the layer on the given axis.
  • value

    • Sets the zoom level the inputs of type location's min and max are defined at.

  • rel

    • Set this to tile in the case of a templated tile layer.
  • title

    • Sets the title of the layer, this is the title shown in the layer controls.
  • type

    • Sets the type of the returned data.
  • tref

    • Sets the templated url of the templated tile layer, this must contain all the names of the inputs used to query a given tile.

Additional Context

You can also provide a set of elements to further define the templated tile layer. This is the list of available additions with examples.

<map-meta name="zoom">

Sets the native minimum and maximum native zoom. It also allows you to set a value, this is the default zoom of all features in the case the <map-feature> is missing a zoom attribute.

<map-meta name="zoom" content="min=1,max=5,value=0"></map-meta>

Full Examples

<mapml-viewer projection="WGS84" zoom="1" lat="59.87304909" lon="-53.22587225" width="900" height="400" controls>
<layer- label="Inline Templated Tile" checked>
<map-meta name="zoom" content="min=1,max=2"></map-meta>
<map-extent units="WGS84" checked hidden>
<map-input name="zoomLevel" type="zoom" min="1" max="1" value="0"></map-input>
<map-input name="row" type="location" axis="row" units="tilematrix" min="0" max="2"></map-input>
<map-input name="col" type="location" axis="column" units="tilematrix" min="0" max="2"></map-input>
<map-link rel="tile" type="text/mapml" title="Templated Tile Layer" tref="data/wgs84/{zoomLevel}/r{row}_c{col}.mapml"></map-link>