
Header Image
options.js : Public <<file>> Component
Created: 2023-01-31 3:38:53 PM
Modified: 2023-02-06 12:38:16 PM
Defines and exports the "Options" variable, which is assigned to M.options by index.js and rollup. The values of the Options members are used to control map viewer defaults, and can be set via the mapml-extension, primarily.  One of the primary uses of the options is to provide localized strings for map user interface things, for example the context menus.<br/><br/>The way the extension works is to insert a #lt;map-options#gt; element in the head of every page on load, and to then remove that element, assuming that if the page contains a #lt;mapml-viewer#gt; or #lt;map is=web-map#gt; element, that the options set in the extension will have been read and used by the viewer to set up user preferences.   This logic may be flawed; it may be reasonable to simply leave that #lt;map-options#gt; in place for the life of the page, because that usage does not account for creation of #lt;mapml-viewer#gt; or other map content via scripts on the page.<br/>
  • Advanced
Property Value
isIndirectlyInstantiated: true
isFinalSpecialization: 0