Map Viewer

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Map Viewer : Public abstract Component
Created: 2023-01-20 1:02:27 PM
Modified: 2023-01-20 3:12:44 PM
The Web-Map-Custom-Element project implements a map viewer widget that is intended as a polyfill for (a "polyfill" is a pilot or reference implementation of a Web standard, in JavaScript, HTML and CSS).<br/><br/>There are two implementations of a map viewer:<br/><br/><ol>
<li>the #lt;mapml-viewer#gt; autonomous custom element, implemented by the MapViewer class, and</li><li>the #lt;map is="web-map"#gt; customized built-in element, implemented by the WebMap class</li></ol>
<br/>Both types of map viewer accept child #lt;layer-#gt; elements, implemented by the MapLayer class. The #lt;map is="web-map"#gt; viewer also accepts child #lt;area is="map-area"#gt; elements, as well as #lt;layer-#gt; elements.  In theory, the #lt;area is="map-area"#gt; elements act as layers with a single map feature in each, on the map.  In practice, the #lt;area is="map-area"#gt; customized built-in element is a proof-of-concept, and is not fully tested.<br/><br/>A refactored MapLayer class could be used to power the MapArea class, so as to provide an integrated and maintainable experience.  Or not; we might choose to drop support for #lt;area#gt; entirely. TBD<br/><br/><br/><br/>
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Property Value
isIndirectlyInstantiated: true
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«ES6 Class» MapViewer Class Generalization From  
WebMap Class Generalization From