Examples for Use Case: Animate a map through a sequence of points

Only OpenLayers supports chained animations directly. Other libraries require the developer to implement the sequencing of animations themselves.

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Google Maps embed

Not applicable

OpenStreetMap embed

Not applicable

Bing Maps embed

Not applicable

MapBox Studio embed

Not applicable

Leaflet.js (with OpenStreetMap tiles)

Not applicable

OpenLayers with OpenStreetMap tiles

  1. Route from Holborn Tube Station to Conway Hall

  2. Leave Holborn Tube Station by the High Holborn exit
  3. Turn right along High Holborn
  4. Cross High Holborn at the junction with Drake Street
  5. Continue up Drake Street
  6. Turn right on to Red Lion Square
  7. Turn left at the southeast corner of Red Lion Square
  8. You have arrived at Conway Hall

Google Maps API

Not applicable

Bing Maps Control API

Not applicable

MapKit JS (Apple Maps) API

Not applicable


Not applicable

TomTom Maps SDK for Web with vector maps

Not applicable

D3 Geographies APIs
