Examples for Use Case: Provide alternative map layers which the user can select

Maps generally default to a roadmap format as their base layer. However it is common for providers to offer additional base layers, such as satellite views, which the user can select. Selecting one of these alternatives completely replaces the default base layer, rather than it being combined or overlaid therewith.

Some map and API providers allow the user to choose between alternative lbase ayers by default. Others, particularly those that require explicit configuration of layers, allow multiple layer sources to be configured, but may or may not provide a standard control enabling users to choose among them.

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Google Maps embed

Embedded Google Maps include the satellite/street map layer selection control by default.

OpenStreetMap embed

Not applicable

OpenStreetMap does not currently provide a layer selection control in embedded maps.

Bing Maps embed

Not applicable

Bing Maps does not currently provide a layer selection control in embedded maps.

MapBox Studio embed

Not applicable

MapBox does not currently provide a layer selection control in embedded maps.

Leaflet.js (with OpenStreetMap tiles)

OpenLayers with OpenStreetMap tiles

Google Maps API

Bing Maps Control API

MapKit JS (Apple Maps) API

Mapbox GL JS API

TomTom Maps SDK for Web with vector maps


D3 Geographies APIs
